"This Gospel of The Kingdom" online radio station broadcasts all of the following:
Gospel/Christian music: Southern gospel music, Appalachian mountain music, bluegrass gospel, country gospel, traditional gospel, contemporary, African gospel, Korean gospel, etc.
Conservative talk: Breaking news, recorded sermons, live sermons, bible teachings, bible readings, edifications, prayer requests, documentaries, interviews, news as it relates to prophecy and more.
Special news sources from inside Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Algeria, Australia, America and around the world!
Listen anytime, any day, any night! All time zones worldwide!
Broadcasting 24/7. To listen, click on the arrow in the center of the box below.
This Gospel Of The Kingdom is on Mixlr
We are a non-profit, conservative Christian internet radio station. This is a ministry of I Saw The Light Ministries. We are not based on any traditional denomination. We are not based upon the traditional doctrine errors of Babylonian false Christianity. We promote true Christianity the way that The Almighty always intended.
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-After the live sermon on Saturdays, we are busy processing the sermon and doing other things, and often forget to put on some audio files to play. Therefore there might be silience for a hour or so after worship services on Saturdays. We are sorry for the inconvience.
-Try to listen to our live or recorded broadcasts on Mixlr.com at https://this-gospel-of-the-kingdom.mixlr.com/
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This Gospel Of The Kingdom Internet Radio. Copyright 2008 I Saw The Light Ministries