Send me your prayer request and I will pray for you.
Also if you would like, I can also read your prayer request on our special live internet radio broadcast. (Click here to listen to our live radio station.) Your email and last name will not be shared with anyone and will not be posted online, nor read on air.
If you do not include your real email address, we will not pray for you. This is to reduce hoaxes. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, there is no need to hide. Your contact information is completely confidential. Thanks and God bless.
NOTICE: This is not the place to ask God for riches, relief from credit card debt, any other debt relief, financial success, career success or educational success. I understand many of you are not working and in need of paying your bills including trying to maintain a house and many of you are pursuing a future career. I understand all these things would be good if we were not entering the Great Tribulation.
But we are entering the Great Tribulation and the final 42 months are upon us. Please read more of this website to learn what I am talking about and to see the evidence presented.
Everyone will lose their house! Every building, college, school, temple, tower and factory will be destroyed in the wars that are about to begin very soon! Your life is about to change drastically! Leave college now! Leave your house now! It is time to prepare for World War 3!
Please read more of this website!
We will not pray for money, financial breakthrough, jobs, income or anything to do with money regardless of how important and real the need is! We must face the fact that financial security is over!
But yes we will be more than glad to pray for your healings and deliverance and personal situations. Please use the form below.
Please understand although God is faithful, you are expected to do your part as well. You must agree to give up the pot, cigarettes and sinful lifestyle. If you expect God to do miracles, you need to respect Him and surrender to His Will.
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Prayer Request. Copyright 2006 I Saw The Light Ministries