Section 1: Boycott websites, apps, computer, software, phone, internet and list of alternatives.
Section 2: Boycott mainstream news media and list of alternatives.
Section 3: Boycott restaurants and list of alternatives.
Section 4: Boycott stores and list of alternatives.
Section 5: Other companies to boycott.
ATT, Verizon and all other mainstream internet and phone companies:
Boycott AT&T, Verizon, Boost Mobile, T-Mobile and all other mainstream phone/internet companies who actively fund and promote demonic leftist causes such as abortion, Islam, BLM, homosexuality, the communist Democrat Party and other demonic causes. And we also know that Verizon and most phone and internet companies have horrible customer service and they cheat and lie.
Verizon donated money directly to fund abortion via Planned Parenthood.
Alternative: Patriot Mobile is conservative and Christian owned. They do not fund leftist causes. Instead, they donate to conservative and Christian organizations. Their plans are reasonable priced. They have referral bonuses for monthly discounts if you refer your friends. The only negative are:
-You can't talk in a phone call and be on the internet at the same time, unless you use Wi-Fi calling or can enable VoLTE on your phone, which you might be able to.
-If you live in a rural area, there might not be sufficient service in your area.
Boycott Craigslist: Craigslist has donated money directly to fund abortion via Planned Parenthood.
Boycott PayPal: In early 2016, the state of North Carolina rightfully passed a law that people must use the public bathroom/restroom that matches the gender of their birth. This protects women and children and all of us from perverts who are sexually confused and mentally disturbed. I have the legal & constitutional right of freedom of speech. North Carolina has the right and the duty and responsibility to protect the citizens of their state. PayPal made a public announcement that they would not fulfill their plans to build a large PayPal center in the state of North Carolina, in protest of the new law protecting people from transgender & homosexual violation of our gender role bathroom privacy/standard. PayPal even ran a paid advertisement on Facebook telling the world that they are protesting the new law by withdrawing their plans to build in North Carolina. Thousands of decent citizens then began to protest PayPal by closing their PayPal accounts. I have personally closed my account and I encourage all Christians and all people of faith and decency to do the same. PayPal also has a long history of publicly speaking in favor of homosexuality and abortion & other leftist agenda. They give money to promote homosexuality and abortion. We should not fund abortion by using PayPal services.
PayPal donated money directly to fund abortion via Planned Parenthood.
PayPal joined a group opposing voter integrity laws:
Alternatives: Western Union and MoneyGram. Checks, money orders, credit cards & debit cards. Bank transfers. Debit/credit car payment processors such as
For 18 alternatives to PayPal, please visit
Whenever possible. Support your local businesses.
Boycott E-Bay: eBay and PayPal used to be parts of the same company. They are now separate but both of their headquarters are still within the same city. eBay continues to promote PayPal. PayPal is the number one source of payments that eBay accepts and promotes. Therefore because of their affiliation and support of PayPal, we boycott them.
Alternatives: See the links to Bonanza below in the section of alternatives to Amazon. Your local auctions, flea markets, yard sales and newspaper. Your local businesses need your support!
Boycott Amazon: In Jan. 2021, Amazon banned Parler social media from their internet servers which completely shut down the popular conservative site. This shows Amazon's hatred for Christians and conservatives and Trump supporters.
In 2012, Jeff Bezos, the billionaire founder of, and his wife, MacKenzie, have agreed to donate $2.5 million to help pass a same-sex marriage referendum in Washington State, instantly becoming among the largest financial backers of gay marriage rights in the country. Source:
Amazon helps raise money for abortion clinics. Source:
They also allow the sale of books & DVDs on their website which promote homosexuality, abortion, satanism, etc. They do not set any morals or values in any attempt to protect the public from Islam, abortion or homosexuality. Would you give your business to a local store that sells the satanic bible, abortion books and homosexual books? Well, that's exactly what you are doing when you shop online at
Alternatives: Bonanza is my favorite alternative to Amazon. They have a large selection of products. You can even choose USA products only, or a limited selection of other nations. Some vendors offer free shipping and/or coupon codes. Easy links to E-bay are also posted so that if you can not find what you need on Bonanza, you don't have to search a second time on E-bay. I believe you can also click to easily and quickly view Amazon and Google links as well without leaving Bonanza to perform your search. These options allow you to first choose Bonanza as your product source, yet also easily find the product on the more recognized platforms if you must due to not being available directly on Bonanza.
*Another alternative to Amazon is VitaCost. Huge selection natural supplements.
*Another alternative to Amazon for herbs and spices, is Frontier Co-op. They are cheaper than my local health food store and have a large selection of organic herbs and spices.
*Another alternative to Amazon is Starwest Botanicals. Large selection of natural herbs, spices and supplies.
*Another alternative to Amazon is Nutricost. They are one of my very favorite brands for natural supplements.
*Another alternative to Amazon is Electronics, furniture, etc. Sign up for their emails to receive discounts.
*Another alternative to Amazon is Camping Maxx, for camping & hiking essentials and prepping survival supplies.
Other options: Your local auctions, flea markets, yard sales and newspaper ads. Your local businesses and local citizens need your support! If you have to buy specific things online that you can find only on Amazon, or for the right price only on Amazon, then try to find what company that it is selling on Amazon and try to buy from them directly, rather than paying through Amazon.
Boycott Etsy: They joined a group opposing voter integrity laws:
Banks: These four banks closed Donald Trump's accounts with them: Deutsch Bank, Signature Bank, Professional Bank, Banks United.
Boycott Bank of America: They gave customer records of known Trump rally attendees to the FBI. They have repeatedly volunteered customer transaction information to the Biden regime.
Boycott Google including Google search and Gmail: Google tracks your every move. Google owns YouTube and the Chrome internet browser as well as the famous search engine. They have partnered with most of the cell phone companies and computer companies to require you to use a Google account in order to use your smart phone & features of your computer. They have pictures and satellite images of almost every house and business in America. Most cell phones track your location via Google. Your internet searches also track your location and what you are reading or searching for. Google puts leftist liberal websites and news organizations search results far above conservative search results, thereby again support the most sinful and most wicked websites far above Christian and conservative websites. Google actively donates money to promote and fund abortion, communism, homosexuality and Islam.
Alternatives for Google search: Brave Search: An independent, private search engine. Use this for searching for news stories by conservative news organizations. Use this great conservative search engine for anything you may be searching for.
DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo sponsors liberal NPR and does pay Google as a resource for their search results. So I recommend the above 3 resources first.
More search engine alternatives.
Alternatives to Gmail: Secure encrypted email alternative based in Germany. This is my best recommendation. Secure encrypted email alternative based in Switzerland.
Boycott Google Chrome Browser See above reasons to boycott anything owned by Google.
Alternatives: Brave and Tor.
Vivaldi and Waterfox.
Boycott Google Play Store See above reasons to boycott anything owned by Google.
The best 3 alternatives are:
See information for the above and 38 alternatives at
Alternative to Google Translate: DeepL Translator
Boycott Microsoft email ( and outlook): Microsoft, which runs outlook email and email, funds abortion, communism, homosexuality and Islam. Microsoft donated money directly to fund abortion via Planned Parenthood. For alternatives, see above alternative to Gmail.
Mainstream Anti-Virus Software: Boycott Norton AntiVirus, AVG, and Avast. Avast was discovered to be spying on their customers through the program. It's better to get away from the traditional corporations that have the largest number of users. Any such program that comes automatically installed on your computer would be automatically the most satanic corporations.
Boycott YouTube: Owned by Google. See the Google section above. YouTube also allows violent hate speech against Christians, while prohibiting some Christians and other people from exercising free speech against Islam & homosexuality.
Boycott Netflix: It's very well documented that Netflix has produced and aired many antichrist and demonic movies and television shows. Do your own research to see examples.
Boycott Vimeo bans testimonies of deliverance from homosexuality, claims it's hate speech!
Boycott Daily Motion pushes CNN and other leftist liberal crap in their top feeds that they promote.
Alternative video websites: They have tons of videos, but they don't have a lot of television shows or movies. But they are getting more videos every day. has tons of free Christian movies and other genres. (Copy and paste, or type, that address into your internet browser.) Many free TV shows and movies, all genres. is very popular for conservatives. Mostly political shows.
I Saw The Light Ministries Prophetic Videos for the real truth!
I Saw The Light Ministries Other Doctrinal Videos for the real truth!
Boycott Facebook: Facebook constantly restricts and bans content uploaded by Christians and conservatives. They are a leftist communist company which fund and promote the sins of communism, homosexuality, Islam and atheism. It is documented fact that Facebook has given large amounts of money to fund and support these evils, while restricting Christian content.
Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg who has repeatedly made public statements in support of Obama, Biden, and the radical leftist demon-rat agenda. He supports abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage and Islam. Facebook allows violent hate language in comments/videos against Christians while prohibiting exercise of free speech of Christians from speaking boldly against Islam, homosexuality and gay marriage.
Facebook requires that you use your real name in public online which is a major privacy issue and doesn't make sense in the global online internet world. The official rules is that you must not accept friendship of anyone who you do not personally know. This greatly reduces online social interaction.
Facebook tracks everything you do online, even when you are not on a Facebook page, and then markets you to businesses and even to individuals who pay for advertising. Advertisers (even if they are not businesses) can target their ads to Facebook users based on gender, age, location, interests & affiliations. For example, a person could market an advertisement specifically to women age 20 and less, who live within 25 miles of a specific zip code, who have an interest in rock n roll music and marijuana but who do not have an interest in religion. Facebook has kept record of your online activities in order to direct market your personality to people who you do not know.
Boycott Instagram is also owned by Facebook.
Boycott TikTok: Another popular social media site, TikTok, is owned by Communist China. They spy on users and harvest their data. Do not use them.
Boycott Zoom: They are involved with Communist China and are known to have had numerous security issues over the years. Their CEO supports abortion.
Boycott MeWe: MeWe is a popular alternative to Facebook. But MeWe is owned by liberals. And they promote the sodomite agenda in their main group for help and support on MeWe.
Boycott WhatsApp is owned by Facebook. So they are going to be spying on you and everything you do and everywhere you go. And Facebook hates Christians and they promote Islam and Communism.
Messenger Alternatives: Telegram is much more private and much more secure. It works great and you can set it to where your messages are automatically deleted.
Boycott Pinterest Who Discriminates Against People Who Declare The Truth
I received messages from Pinterest saying "...we recently removed your "Islam" board because it included many pins that went against our policies on hate speech."
However, the only pins I had were only pins that are 100% true facts, not hate speech. Pinterest is in violation of the US Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech. It is my legal right to declare truth about Islam. I've heard of many other Christians and conservatives being restricted on Pinterest. I encourage everyone to boycott Pinterest for their hate speech against Christians. See alternatives to Facebook and Twitter.
Alternatives: I Saw The Light Ministries (this ministry) offers Parrhesia Christian Social Media Network. We don't sell or share your information with anyone.
Big tech companies that own the social media websites/apps such as Facebook and Pinterest are demonic corporations that prohibit speaking the truth; while at the same time, they allow and promote hate speech against Christians and conservatives. However, conservative owned social media websites don't restrict antisemitism, incredibly foolish conspiracy theories such as "Q-anon" and satire and fake news which is a plague upon humanity. Neither side really cares about the 100% honest truth.
Therefore, I Saw The Light Ministries has created "Parrhesia Christian Social Network". Parrhesia is a Greek word that refers to boldly speaking the real truth while restricting the free flow of lies and deception. It's what the bible commands.
On Parrhesia, we have many groups including: The Man's Domain, The Ladies Room, Real News for Conservatives, Natural Health, animal lovers, clean fun jokes, organic gardening, prepping and many more.
Our network is only for conservative Christians and therefore you won't see the demonic junk that you normally see on other social media networks.
We don't sell or share your information with anyone.
The link to Parrhesia is
Before you register, please click on the bottom of the page at Parrhesia, to view the rules and terms and conditions. Then if you agree to the rule and terms and conditions, and if interested, for your protection, please use an anonymous/fake username/alias rather than your real name.
Boycott Go Fund Me: This website for fund raising is an extremely liberal, leftist, communist company. They have banned many Christian and conservative causes.
See 12 Christian alternatives to Go Fund Me at
See another 10 alternatives at
Boycott Wikipedia: The administrators have repeatedly allowed liberal lies and propaganda, as well as to hide the truth. Therefore Wikipedia can no longer be depended upon for facts.
Alternatives to Wikipedia: Very identical to Wikipedia but more honest!
Encyclopædia Britannica. Very old and reliable resource. I've seen many awesome statements of truth in their encyclopedia.
Ancient Origins .net
Ben & Jerry's: The Ben & Jerry's ice cream company is owned by two unrepentant homosexuals. The company lobbies for homosexual leftist agendas. Ben & Jerry's donated money directly to fund abortion via Planned Parenthood.
McDonalds: McDonalds has repeatedly aired commercials which promote homosexuality. They also have Islamic Halal marked fish fillets and some of the equipment that is used to clean their fryer vats are also Halal marked. They have also joined group opposing voter integrity laws:
Alternatives: Cook Out and local privately owned restaurants owned by local conservative Christians. Ask your local church members to find these businesses.
Chick-Fil-A: Chick-Fil-A previously was known for promoting Christian causes. But in the last year, they have completely changed. Now, they have opened promoted homosexuality and supported the extremely wicked Antifa and Black Lives Matters terrorists groups! The CEO even said that white people should seek out a way to wash black people's feet in apology for white racism.
Alternatives: Cook Out and local privately owned restaurants owned by local conservative Christians. Ask your local church members to find these businesses.
We also boycott all companies that have registered for the Halal Islamic Mark to be placed on their products. This includes McDonalds, Nestle and many other companies. Please Click here for more information about the Islamic Halal Mark of the Beast and a list of many companies worldwide who have already registered for their mark of the beast number.
CVS Pharmacy: CVS spends money on teaching employees leftist Critical Race Theory (hatred of straights, whites, Christians, men).
Boycott all of the following businesses which give most of their donations to leftist liberal politicians or causes:
Harbor Freight, Dollar General, WalGreens, Bank of America.
Good alternative companies that gave most to Republican or conservative causes: Rite-Aid, Northern Tool, Goya Foods, Big Lots, A&W restaurants, Belk, Fifth Third Bank.
United Way:They have donated money directly to fund abortion via Planned Parenthood.
Nike: They have donated money directly to fund abortion via Planned Parenthood.
Pepsi: They have donated money directly to fund abortion via Planned Parenthood.
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Boycott and alternatives to evil satanic corporation companies like Facebook, Twitter, PayPal, eBay, Google, YouTube, Vimeo, Amazon, Starbucks. Copyright 2018 I Saw The Light Ministries