Biblical History Timeline:

*Most BC dates are approximate, not exact.

Color code highlights:

Rise and fall of empires: Orange
Conquests against Israel: Yellow
Translations: Blue

c. 4450-4000 BC (Estimated, not exact): Adam and Eve created.

3600-2650 BC: Noah’s Lifetime.
c. 3000 BC: Noah’s Flood. (Definitely not 2350 BC.)

c. 2999-2214 BC: Birth of Nimrod. (Death c. 1753 BC.)
c. 2600-2400 BC: Towel of Babel (Babylon)
c. 2600-2400 BC: Town of Asshur, Assyria founded. Assyrian Empire begins.
c. 2600-2450 BC: Egyptian Empire begins.
c. 2450-1600 BC: Step Pyramid of Saqqara (Egypt) built.
c. 2350-1600 BC: Great pyramids of Giza built.

c. 2200-1950 BC: Job written. (Based upon wealth measured by livestock and how old people lived to be during the time of Abraham compared to Job, and silence about the covenants with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob and Moses.)

c. 1900 BC: Abraham chosen by God.
1900 BC: Isaac, Abraham's son.
1894 BC: Babylonian Empire founded.
1850 BC: Jacob, son of Issac, rules over Israel.

1665 BC: Jacob's family joins Joseph in Egypt.
1640-1725 BC: Joseph and his sons Manasseh & Ephraim invents the Mosaic-Hieroglyphic Hebrew script now called "Proto-Sinaitic script", the first written language using an alphabet rather than images/pictures.

1594-1450 BC: 144 years of slavery for the Israelites in Egypt. (Not 400-430 years.)
1530-1410 BC: Moses lifetime (120 years).

1450 BC: Exodus
1450-1410 BC: Israelites walk forty years in the desert.
1445-1405 BC: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy written in the Mosaic-Hieroglyphic Hebrew script (Proto-Sinaitic) which was invented by Joseph in Egypt.

1410-450 BC: Psalms written. (Spans this entire period.)
1405-1385 BC: Joshua written.

1051 BC: Saul becomes king.
1050 BC: Proto-Sinaitic script has fully evolved into the Paleo-Hebrew script which by now becomes fully developed as the style of writing for the Hebrew people.
1043-1040 BC: Judges written.
1030-1010 BC: Ruth written.
1011 BC: David becomes king.

971 BC: Solomon becomes king.
970 BC: King Solomon builds the First Temple.
971-965 BC: Song of Solomon written
971-686 BC: Proverbs written
940-931 BC: Ecclesiastes written
931-722 BC: 1-2 Samuel written. The first books of the bible written in Paleo-Hebrew.
850-840 BC: Obadiah written
835-796 BC: Joel written

775-750 BC: Jonah occurs and written
750-710 BC: Hosea written
735-710 BC: Micah written
750 BC: Amos written
722 BC: House of Israel is conquered by Assyrian Empire.
700-681 BC: Isaiah occurs and written

650 BC: Nahum written
635-625 BC: Zephaniah written
627 BC: God calls Jeremiah at age 12-16 years old. His prophetic ministry begins, warning of the coming Babylonian invasion.
615-605 BC: Habakkuk written
612 BC: Nineveh destroyed.
605 BC: First stage of invasion of Judah by the Babylonian (Assyrian) Empire. Daniel taken captive.

597 BC: Second stage of Babylonian invasion of Judah. Ezekiel taken captive.
590-570 BC: Ezekiel written, remembering the events.
586-570 BC: Jeremiah written, remembering the events.
586 BC: Lamentations written
586 BC: Third/final stage of Babylonian invasion of Judah. First Temple is destroyed by the Babylonians.
561-538 BC: 1 Kings- 2 Kings written
539 BC: Persian Empire conquers the Babylonian Empire and takes control of Israel.
538 BC: Cyrus, king of the Persian Empire releases the Jews to return to Israel.
604-540 BC: Daniel written. All of it was originally written in Aramaic. This is the first time that any book of the bible was written in Aramaic. Paleo-Hebrew language outlawed. King Nebuchadnezzar has many bible manuscripts translated into the Assyrian language, replacing "JESUS" with "YHWH" the Babylonian moon god. We have no fragments of any bible manuscripts from before 225 BC because of the destruction of the scriptures by the Assyrian and Babylonian empires, and then later the Syrians in 167 BC and then later the Roman Empire in 70 AD.
520-515 BC: The Second Temple is built by Nehemiah. Ezra continues to have bible manuscripts translated into the Assyrian language.
520 BC: Haggai written

480-470 BC: Zechariah written
457-444 BC: Ezra written
450 BC: Reforms made by Ezra and Nehemiah.
450-430 BC: 1-2 Chronicles written
450-331 BC: Esther written
433-424 BC: Malachi written
432 BC: The last group of Jews return from exile.
424-400 BC: Nehemiah written

333 BC: The Greek Empire conquers the Persian empire.
323 BC: The Egyptian and Syrian empire take over Israel.

280-250 BC: First 5 books of the bible translated into the Greek Septuagint.
c. 605-70 BC: Dead Sea Scrolls.
200-100 BC: Other books of the bible translated into Greek Septuagint.
And books of the “Middle Testament” (Deuterocanonical Apocrypha) books written: Esdras, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Tobit, Judith, 1-4 Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon.

167 BC Dec. 25: Abomination of Desolation: Antiochus Epiphanes defiles the Temple of God on the birthday of Zeus.
164 BC: Hanukkah restoration of the Temple.
100 BC: Samaritan Pentateuch (First 5 books of bible copied from older Paleo-Hebrew text.)

70 BC: Romans conquer Israel.
20 BC: King Herod restores and adds onto the temple.
20 BC - 55/70 AD: Lifetime of Philo of Alexandria Egypt, author of the book of Wisdom of the Middle Testament (Deuterocanonical Apocrypha), and Hebrews of the New Testament.

4-2 BC: Possible birth year of Christ Jesus.

33 AD: Possible year of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
37-100 AD: Lifetime of Flavius Josephus, famous historian who wrote much about the bible.

44-49: James written
46-55: Hebrews written by Philo
49-50: Galatians written
50-60: Matthew and Mark written. (In Greek, not Aramaic as some people try to claim.)
51: 1 Thessalonians written
51-52: 2 Thessalonians written
55: 1 Corinthians written
55-56: 2 Corinthians written
56: Romans written
60-61: Luke written
60-62: Acts, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon written
62-64: 1 Timothy and Titus written
64-65: 1 Peter written
66-67: 2 Timothy written
67-68: 2 Peter written
68-70: Jude written

70: Syrians and Romans destroy the temple.
80-90: John written
90-95: 1-2-3 John written
94-96: Revelation written

150: Theodotion, a Jewish scholar, translated the Assyrian Aramaic Old Testament into Greek. This replaced the Greek Septuagint, especially for the book of Daniel. Although in Greek, this matches closer to the corrupt Assyrian Masoretic Received Text rather than the ancient Greek Septuagint.

321, March 7: Emperor Constantine declared it law to observe Sunday, to replace the Sabbath Day of the bible.
325: Council of Nicaea, replacing the Christian Passover with the pagan Assyrian Easter.
350: Codex Vaticanus written.
325: Codex Sinaiticus written.
405: Jerome’s Latin Vulgate.

930: Aleppo Codex: Very corrupt Masoretic bible manuscript.
995: Anglo-Saxon Gospels: The 4 Gospels translated into a West Saxon dialect of Old English.
1000: Old English Hexateuch: English translation of the first 6 books of the bible.
1008: Leningrad Codex (Masoretic Received Text, a horrible corruption of scripture which most modern bibles are based upon including the KJV.)

1382-1384: John Wycliffe bible. First complete English bible. (It was from Latin.)

1492 Oct. 12: Columbus lands in the Bahamas, Americas.

1516-1535: Erasmus, a Catholic priest, releases his Greek and Latin translations of the New Testament, based upon the very corrupt Masoretic Received Text.
1517: Martin Luther nails his “Ninety-Five Theses” on the doors of the Catholic Church in Germany.
1520-1522: Publication of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible. Volumes 1-4 is the Old Testament in Aramaic, Greek Septuagint, and the Latin Vulgate. Volume 5 is the New Testament in Greek and Latin. Volume 6 is dictionary & study aids.
1525: William Tyndale’s bible, first English translation of the Hebrew and Greek and Masoretic, and the first to be mass-produced.
1535: Myles Coverdale’s bible, First officially approved English bible.
1537: Matthew bible.
1560: Geneva Bible published.
1568: Bishop’s bible.

1611: KJV published.
1620: The pilgrims and the Mayflower ship and other ships land in what would become America. They brought the Geneva Bible with them and greatly detested the KJV. They observed the weekly Sabbath day of Saturday.
1659: Christmas is outlawed by the Massachusetts Bay colony because they understood that Christmas is pagan. and does not truly honor Christ. Deut. 12 Jer. 10.

1707: The Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland unite to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.
1775 April 19: American Revolutionary War begins.
1776: USA Declaration of Independence.
1783 September 3: End of American Revolutionary War.
1789: George Washington becomes president of the USA.

1800-1801: The Kingdom of Ireland joins the Kingdom of Great Britain.
1804-1815: Napoleon as France Emperor.
1844: Sir Lancelot Brenton releases his English translation of the Greek Septuagint.
1848 “Springtime of Nations” communist revolutions in Europe.
1861 April 12 to 1865 May 26: USA Civil War, Lincoln, who was very antichrist, invaded the southern states to enforce taxes and to enforce union/communist control.
1863 May 21: Seventh Day Adventist women's cult founded, increasing radical feminism in government and society worldwide, including changing many laws from the late 1800s to the 1920s and beyond to brainwash our entire society to this very day.
1881: Westcott and Hort release their translation of the New Testament (WH) based upon the more reliable, older Alexandrian Text (Vaticanus and Sinaiticus), rather than the newer Masoretic Received Text.
1881-1885: Revised Version bible into modern English.

1884: The Church of God (Seventh Day) General Conference led by Gilbert Cranmer was organized.
1889-1890 Pandemic: Russian flu. Coronavirus.
1892: Birth of Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong.

1896-1901: 1st Seal of Revelation opened. The white horse of deception.
1896: April, Olympics, 1st modern observance, Athens, Greece. False peace/co-exist deception.
1896: Dec. 10: Alfred Nobel died, allowing for the content of his will to be revealed to the public soon thereafter, thus establishing the Nobel Prizes. False peace/co-exist deception.
1896: The Niagara Falls Power Plant began operation. It was one of the first large-scale AC power plants. The 25-mile high-voltage transmission line to Buffalo, New York effectively ended the era of direct current (DC) dominance. The plant was designed and built by Westinghouse Electric Corporation, utilizing the AC system developed by Nikola Tesla.

1901: Nobel prizes first awarded.
1905: "Soviet" worker's organization established in Russia.

1914 July 28: WW1 begins.
1917 March-October-November: 2nd Seal: Red horse of communism and revolution. October: "October Revolution", Nov. 7: Vladimir Lenin seized power of Russia.
1918 November 11: End of WW1
1918-1920 Spanish Flu epidemic

1920: Women's right to vote in America. The Quakers, Methodists, and other cults were greatly involved in this corruption of society.
1920’s-30’s: 3rd Seal: Black horse of Nazism and the Great Depression, famine.
1921: Hitler appointed leader of the Nazi Party.
1929: The Great Depression begins.

1933 January 30: Hitler appointed as chancellor of Germany.
1939 September 1: WW2 begins.

1945 September 2: WW2 ends.
1948: The UN recognizes the State of Israel.

1950 June 25: Korean War begins. (1950-1953)
1952, Feb. 6: Queen Elizabeth II becomes queen.
1953 July 27: End of Korean War.
1955 November 1: Vietnam War begins. (1955-1975)

1965: "Voting Rights Act" in the USA.
1967: June 5-10: Six Day War: Israel. Israel wins back eastern Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, the Gaza strip, and the Sinai peninsula.
1969 July 20: Landing on the moon.
1969: First death from HIV/AIDS.

1973 Oct. 6-25: The Yom Kippur War. Syria and other Arab nations attack Israel.
1973-1978: NIV bible.
1975 April 30: End of Vietnam War.

1976-1981: AIDS deaths begin to multiply. Epidemic starts in 1981.
1977-1979: Chinese/Russian flu, worldwide epidemic: Influenza A virus sub-type H1N1.
1979: 4th Seal: Green horse. Iranian revolution. Islamic conquest. Pestilence, disease.
1979: April 2: Sverdlovsk/Yekaterinburg, Russia Anthrax leak from military.

1981-1989: Ronald Reagan as president.
1986 January 16: Death of Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong.
1989 Nov. 9: Berlin Wall is torn down in Germany while the Soviets continued to bring communism to South Africa.

1990: Communist terrorist Nelson Mandela of South Africa released from prison. Intensification of the 1st seal white horse of false peace, demonic coexistence and deception. Increase of the 2nd seal red horse of communism while the world is led to falsely believe that the Soviet Union is no longer a threat.
1991 January 17: Operation Desert Storm: Gulf War invasion of Iraq.

2001 September 11: Destruction of World Trade Center towers. 9-11. (Official annual birthday of Bashar Assad of 1965.)
2006 February: I Saw The Light Ministries begins.
2008, November: Election fraud of Barack Hussein Obama. All 4 horses of the first 4 seals intensified.
2011, Feb. 11: Egyptian president Mubarak overthrown by Obama. Green horse, 4th seal increased.

2015: Work begins on The Alpha & Omega Bible (AOB).
2016 January-February: The Alpha & Omega Bible is published with only some books of the bible.
2016 December: The Alpha & Omega Bible is published with all books of the bible including Apocrypha.

2017, January: Donald Trump becomes president.
2019-2020: Color Revolution: BLM, Antifa, Biden’s election fraud, COVID 19 biological warfare released, increase of 4th seal.
2020 Sept. 15: Abraham Accords initially signed. Other nations join later.

2022 September 8: Death of Queen Elizabeth II. Prince Charles becomes king.
2023, Oct. 7: Hamas attack against Israel, beginning Gaza War.

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