The Man's Domain
Helping Men Become The Best We Can Be, As Leaders, Fathers & Husbands.
A Ministry of I Saw The Light Ministries
Circumcision Not Necessary and Should Be Avoided.
Males Need Their Foreskin.
Circumcision is no longer required now that we are under the New Covenant. That is very clear in scripture.
Please click here to read our article "Is Circumcision required for Salvation?"
But is there a physical or medical need to circumcise a boy/male/man? Will the foreskin lead to infection? No. There is absolutely no need to circumcise. In fact, the foreskin is there to protect from infection. Below, I have listed several links which contain tons of medical evidence that not only is circumcision unnecessary but it is cruel and painful to your baby boy! He needs his foreskin for many reasons throughout his life. There is no reason to mutilate his body.
Recommended Links :
Intact America
Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.)
Mothers Against Circumcision
Circumcision Information and Resource Pages Circumcision Information Library.
International Coalition for Genital Integrity
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers
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